Nine days of screenings and meetings for two months:
October 28, November 3, 8, 15, 22 and 29, December 6, 13 and 20, 2021
at the Institut Français Le Grenoble
via Crispi, 86 Naples (NA)
Free admission (subject to availability)

Direzione artistica Antonella Di Nocera
Direzione organizzativa Elisa Flaminia Inno / 1506 Film
Comitato scientifico: Anna Masecchia, Gina Annunziata, Lucia Cardone, Maria Carmen Morese
con il contributo di
Regione Campania – Fondazione Film Commission Regione Campania,
Commissione Europea – Rappresentanza in Italia Antenna della Direzione generale Traduzione
in collaborazione con
Institut Français Napoli
Instituto Cervantes Nápoles
Goethe-Institut Neapel
e con
Istituto Polacco di Roma; Centro Ceco di Roma; Forum Austriaco di Cultura Roma; Ambasciata del Belgio – Wallonie-Bruxelles International; Ambasciata della Repubblica di Lituania in Italia; Istituto Slovacco a Roma; Ambasciata del Belgio – Rappresentanza della Comunità Fiamminga e della Regione delle Fiandre; Istituto Bulgaro di Cultura; Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma.

Film festival that promotes films by female authors from all over Europe, organized by 15 06 Film from an idea by Antonella Di Nocera.
13 countries involved, 16 films, 8 evenings with a double appointment at the Institut français Napoli “Il Grenoble” in the presence of the most interesting European directors of recent years.
EUROPA cinema al femminile is organized by 15 06 Film in collaboration with EUNIC, 12 European cultural institutes and the Representation in Italy of the European Commission. The festival is organized with the contribution of the Campania Region and the Fondazione Film Commission Regione Campania.
EUROPA cinema al femminile is a festival promoted and organized by 15 06 Film, dedicated to the dissemination of contemporary cinematography by female authors of European origin.
The festival was born in 2021 from an idea of the independent producer Antonella Di Nocera, the result of a constant and long-lasting dialogue with a group of representatives of the European Cultural Institutes present in Naples and from a long activity and experience in the field of promoting independent cinema and difficult works (strongly authorial, documentary), and takes shape thanks to 15 06, with the organizational direction of the director Elisa Flaminia Inno, the support of a scientific committee of university professors attentive to gender issues (Anna Masecchia, Gina Annunziata, Lucia Cardone) who with Di Nocera curated the selection of titles, and the collaboration of the European Cultural Institutes.
The main aim of EUROPA cinema al femminile was to celebrate cultural exchange through the ideas and creativity of European women, not only through the screening of important titles, often first and second works, which do not reach the canonical distribution circuits, and which are therefore not adequately valued in Italy, but also with the presence of female directors in the theater for direct discussions with the public, with the idea of highlighting the importance of reopening movie theaters, which remained closed for a long time during the pandemic, starting from the relaunch of female cinematography and giving space to female authors through very structured communication.
The “EUROPA cinema al femminile” Festival is a promotional event open to the public aimed at creating moments of comparison and direct contact with some of the leading authors of contemporary European cinema. Europe is the continent we inhabit, but also the common element of origin of the various directors we want to involve in the event. Europe was born with a woman’s name and a mythical story of migration from East to West. The etymology refers to an elsewhere towards which to project oneself, to look, suggests a “broader view” and brings with it, beyond the myth, a precious and highly current element: the idea and the birth of an exchange, migration, connection between peoples and cultures. Inspired by some elements of the mythical origins of Europe and at the same time by the characteristics of the territory in which the festival intends to present itself, Naples, a city whose history and geography have been characterized since ancient times as the result of encounters and exchanges, we want to reflect with the public on the role and meaning that the city of Naples can assume through art and culture in relation to some very current themes, such as the promotion of the cinematographic art of important but little-known female authors, the valorization of female expression and the comparison and dialogue between different audiovisual cultures that inhabit the same territory. An exchange that is also physical movement, a movement that allows places and people to meet, migration, as a right and natural movement of man linked to his survival. The event therefore wants to offer itself as an opportunity to convey a powerful message with broad visions – as the very name of Europe seems to suggest – in a historical era in which culture, art, and cinema in particular, have experienced a very strong detachment from the public and communities, as well as a damaging block for the entire sector of workers, as a consequence of the containment measures of the Covid-19 pandemic. An initiative that immediately proposed itself as international and projected on larger dimensions thanks to the web, has its foundations in the Campania region, in its peculiarities, in the realities that inhabit it, enhancing its intrinsic complexity.

With a solid international network, the result of constant dialogue with some European cultural institutions and organizations in the city, and the experience of a scientific committee made up of Campania professionals active in the film industry and specialized in the creation of promotional events, the festival encourages the public to take a broader, more analytical, alternative, inclusive point of view on contemporary cinematography, raising awareness in particular on female creativity and entrepreneurship that still today struggle to find the right recognition and value. The festival intends to present a selection of important films that have not been adequately promoted in Italy, or that have not managed to reach our audience, through an ad hoc dissemination intervention, giving the public back the magic of meeting in a key place for film dissemination: the theater. There are an increasing number of films directed by female authors, often awarded at major international festivals, testifying not only to female talent and creativity, but also to the recognition of the value of these works in the world authorial panorama. If we take into account that in general terms the cinema produced and directed by women is far inferior to that produced by men (in Italy we are talking about 12% of the total, in France and other European countries female production does not exceed 25%), this data is even more significant. In particular, an extraordinary common denominator is evident in the works of female origin: a directorial approach inspired by naturalness, truthfulness of narration, empathy with the actors and actresses and a writing particularly sensitive to the sphere of emotions. The result is a delicacy of the story, a different way of looking at the characters and of conducting the narration with traits almost unknown to the general public. This artistic strength, now recognized among professionals, does not correspond to an adequate and effective distribution to the public of the works shot by female authors – a problem that afflicts authorial and European works more generally – and which in the year of the pandemic has created a rift between cinema and the public that will have to be filled with great effort, also by promoting more specific distribution measures.
ore 17.30 / Paese: Francia
in presenza della regista Kamir Aïnouz
Fiction, Francia 2019, 100’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Spagna
di Lucía Alemanny
Fiction, Spagna 2019, 92’
ore 17.30 / Paese: Rep. Ceca
di Helena Třeštíková
Docu, Rep. Ceca 2019, 78’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Lituania
in presenza della regista Egle Vertelyte
Commedia, Lituania-Bulgaria-Polonia 2017 / 91’
ore 17.30 / Paese: Spagna
di Belen Funes
Fiction, Spagna 2019, 100’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Italia
NICO, 1998
di Susanna Nicchiarelli
Docu, Italia-Belgio 2017, 93’
ore 17.30 / Paese: Germania
di Janna Jiwonders
Docu, Germania 2020, 110’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Slovacchia
in presenza della regista Iveta Grófová
PIATA LOD’ (Little Harbour)
Fiction, Slovacchia-Rep. Ceca-Ungheria 2016, 90’
ore 17.30 / Paese: Ungheria
di Nora Lakos
Commedia, Ungheria 2020, 89’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Austria
di Sandra Wollner
Sci-Fi Drama, Austria-Germania 2020, 94’
ore 17.30 / Paese: Polonia
in presenza della regista Agnieszka Smoczyńska
Fiction, Polonia-Repubblica Ceca-Svezia 2018, 104’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Germania
in presenza della regista Alison Kuhn
Docu, Germania 2019-2020, 80’
ore 17.30 / Paese: Bulgaria
di Yana Titova
Fiction, Bulgaria 2020, 100’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Belgio – Wallonia
in presenza della regista Paloma Sermon-Daï
Docu, Belgio 2020, 75’
ore 17.30 / Paese: Belgio – Fiandre
di Frederike Migom
Fiction, Belgio-Paesi Bassi 2019, 90’
ore 19.30 / Paese: Italia
in presenza della regista Federica Di Giacomo
Docu, Italia 2016, 94’
ore 19.30 / Francia
13 corti della pioniera del cinema
ALICE GUY 1898-1907
F 1898-1907, 50’